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Processing - sorting - grading - sizing and packing line for apples / Apple sorting and grading machine
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Processing - sorting - grading - sizing and packing line for apples / Apple sorting and grading machineProcessing - sorting - grading - sizing and packing line for apples / Apple sorting and grading machineProcessing - sorting - grading - sizing and packing line for apples / Apple sorting and grading machineProcessing - sorting - grading - sizing and packing line for apples / Apple sorting and grading machineProcessing - sorting - grading - sizing and packing line for apples / Apple sorting and grading machine
Capacity: 2-3 t/per hour
Year of Completion: 2018

Processing line for apples with capacity 2/3 t per hour.The line is specialy designed for the proper processing of the apples.

The line consists of:

  • Water tank with immersion system for Bins.
  • Elevator.
  • Washing - Brushing unit.
  • 'V' belt.
  • Electronic sorter 1 line 8+1 exits.


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